Course Overview: Embark on an advanced exploration of orbital mechanics, astrodynamics, and space mission design. Dive into complex trajectories, study orbital transfers, and analyze the principles of space navigation.
What Will You Learn?
This curriculum is designed for Year 13 students with a strong interest in astrodynamics and space mission design. It delves into advanced concepts and techniques, preparing students for careers in space agencies, aerospace engineering, and research institutions.
Course Content
Lesson 1: Three-Body Problem and Lagrange Points
o Study the dynamics of the three-body problem and Lagrange points.
o Explore the stability and applications of Lagrange point orbits.
Three-Body Problem and Lagrange Points
Lesson 2: Rigid Body Dynamics and Spacecraft Attitude Control
o Analyze the dynamics of rigid bodies in space.
o Examine attitude control strategies and stabilization techniques.
Rigid Body Dynamics and Spacecraft Attitude Control
Lesson 3: Advanced Perturbation Methods
o Dive into advanced perturbation techniques, including secular perturbations.
o Apply analytical and numerical methods to model complex orbits.
Advanced Perturbation Methods
Lesson 4: Orbital Resonances and Chaos
o Explore higher-order resonances and their effects on long-term stability.
o Discuss chaotic motion in the context of celestial mechanics.
Orbital Resonances and Chaos
Lesson 5: Orbital Maneuvering and Impulsive Transfers
o Study advanced orbital maneuvers, including bi-impulsive transfers.
o Analyze the Hohmann transfer and patched-conic approximation.
Orbital Maneuvering and Impulsive Transfers
Lesson 6: Optimal Control and Trajectory Optimization
o Explore optimal control theory and its application to space mission design.
o Solve complex trajectory optimization problems.
Optimal Control and Trajectory Optimization
Lesson 7: Gravity Assist and Interplanetary Trajectories
o Analyze gravity assist maneuvers and their role in interplanetary missions.
o Study flybys of planets and moons to achieve mission objectives.
Gravity Assist and Interplanetary Trajectories
Lesson 8: Multi-Body Astrodynamics and Space Navigation
o Study multi-body astrodynamics, including restricted three-body problems.
o Explore space navigation principles, including star trackers and Deep Space Network.
Multi-Body Astrodynamics and Space Navigation
Lesson 9: Space Mission Analysis and Design
o Dive into advanced space mission design considerations.
o Develop mission profiles for interplanetary, lunar, and asteroid missions.
Space Mission Analysis and Design
Lesson 10: Space Mission Operations and Anomaly Resolution
o Examine space mission operations, including communication and telemetry.
o Discuss strategies for anomaly detection and resolution.
Space Mission Operations and Anomaly Resolution
Lesson 11: Space Debris Mitigation and Sustainability
o Explore challenges related to space debris and its mitigation.
o Discuss sustainable practices for space exploration and utilization.
Space Debris Mitigation and Sustainability
Lesson 12: Breakthrough Propulsion and Exotic Concepts
o Study breakthrough propulsion concepts, including warp drives.
o Explore hypothetical technologies for interstellar travel.