Stoke on Trent


Engineering your future in space.


Space to Connect 2022

Some of the team speant a fantastic day at the Space to Connect 2022 event yesterday in London, meeting fantastic people with amazing vision.

The day was broken into segments with the option of asking the various panels questions, some fantastic speakers and sessions we particulary enjoyed ‘Growing a Space Business’ chaired by Chris Hall, Dr Alice Bunns keynote speech to name a few.

The day session re-affirmed certain points on the direction of the UK space sector, the goals and asipirations of our company and the fantastic opportunities that are available now and in the future.

That the space sector offers creative solutions to problems we face world wide and can help to resolve real world issues.

‘We need to ensure that we are at the fore front of the technologies that drive new and emerging services, creating the path for others to follow.’

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